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Can you create the ideal employee through training?

lit2 - Can you create the ideal employee through training?

The candidate is unlikely to have all of these skills. Depending on the types of changes taking place in your organization, you can prioritize some changes over others.

While skills such as communication and problem solving can be developed over time, it is unclear whether traits such as creativity, emotional intelligence, or adaptability can be learned. But in today’s fast-paced digital work, they are essential to an organization’s success.

Maintain the soft skills of your employees by reducing digital friction

There is one thing you can do to help your employees develop these soft skills. It may seem skeptical, but the solution simplifies business technology.

With a simple user experience, employees can use each tool optimally. Instead of frustration, employees can use technology outside of their core functions. You can be creative, develop innovative applications, and use the tools you already need to develop a new strategy.

The Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) is an ideal digital learning solution. DAP provides context-based personal support in real time, so employees are never involved in a process or task.

There is no time in the digital workplace to become dependent on technology. The software you invest in is designed to help your employees use their unique human skills and not waste time and energy.


Mynsberge describes BTD’s fundamental challenge to workforce development: “[We] have tried several new approaches to attracting and retaining employees, but we still can’t find employees.” Unfortunately, this challenge is far too common, reflecting reliable statistics on the difficulty of finding workers in the manufacturing industry. For example, the Deloitte Skills Gap in Manufacturing Study 2018 states that “the skills gap between 2018 and 2028 could leave an estimated 2.4 million jobs.”

In response to this recruitment challenge, BTD has developed an internal Pay for Skills program. Central to this program is the promotion of employee skills development through a new internal training system. This system provides simple incentives – salary increases – to master new skills. In this system, each department has developed six levels, four of which are mandatory, while the other two are determined by the needs of the company. To manage the level, employees must pass a series of written and practical tests that include a variety of skills and training related to job quality, safety, enterprise policy, and technical aspects. If an employee completes 100% of all tests at one level, he or she earns a certain increase and moves to the next level. New employees must complete a proficiency test after six months of on-the-job training. The advantage of this system, Mynsberge noted, is that it produces increments based on skill level, regardless of other factors such as attendance and work ethic.

Training to Operate Slot Machine

Do you want to know how to train to operate slot machines? It is important for you to know that it is not easy to learn how to operate this type of machines because they are complicated. Some casino companies offer free lessons and tutorials on how to operate this certain slot machines and if you want to know how to train to operate slot machines like Play jammin jars at casumo, you need to find a company that offers this type of training for its customers. There are also some companies that offer free videos and tips online for people who want to learn how to operate slot machines.

In order for you to know how to operate this type of machine, you need to first know the basic rules of how to play this game. When you are playing these slots, you should remember that you should always have an empty bankroll and you should always think about whether you have enough money in your account before you start playing any machine. Another important thing that you need to do when you are playing these machines is to observe other people in the line and pay attention to what they are doing. If they are winning, they may leave the casino and you should follow them so that you will be one of those people who are succeeding. Remember that when you play slot machines in casinos, you need to know the basic rules so that you can increase your chances of winning the jackpot.

When you are training to operate slot machines, you can try to test out some slot machine games that are available in the casinos. When you are testing out these slot games, you can try to determine which type of machine is the best to use. You can choose between fixed and portable machines. With these things, you will be able to determine which machine will help you increase your chances of winning.

The top five employee skills you need to look for

lit2 - The top five employee skills you need to look for


In the digital age, people often equate the introduction of new digital tools with innovation. But it’s not just buying new software that makes a company innovative. It is the creative use of digital tools to achieve something new.

As new technologies, challenges, and opportunities arise, you need people who can think differently. You need new ideas for old problems. Creativity is a valued skill in any business – from developing business strategies to unlocking new efficiency gains.

How to identify creativity

In the face of the question, creative people are looking for many possible answers, not just one. You’ll see unique opportunities where others will grab a functional attachment.

One way to measure creativity is to see how the candidate thinks. How many answers can you get to these questions: How would the world be different if people had two thumbs in each hand? What is something (or an idea for something) you’ve come up with?

Solving the problem

The development of new digital features is accelerating the pace of change in all markets. Change creates new opportunities, but also new challenges.

The ability to solve problems efficiently and quickly is invaluable to businesses. For all the obstacles that arise – be it customer service, internal operations, or overall business strategy – you need people with solid problem-solving skills to remove a potential obstacle.

Assessment of problem solving skills

There are two ways to measure a candidate’s problems in solving problems. First, ask them to describe the time they solved the problem in the previous work. Ask them to discuss the outcome and how successful the solution was.

Another option is to give your candidate a realistic problem scenario in your company and ask them how they would solve it. Ask them for another solution. Then ask them to explain how one of these options can help solve the problem. Good problem solvers are smart enough to come up with different solutions and have the foresight to predict how the results will vary.

Adaptability / dexterity

Technological developments are forcing companies to develop almost all parts of their business strategy. Companies need individual employees who are agile and flexible to foster a culture of change.

Agile people are able to keep a broad overview of the situation. They monitor the development of a particular strategy and the forces that influence it. You have the flexibility to accept change and the confidence to act when needed.

How to identify adaptability and agility

Give your candidate a relevant Business Challenge and ask him or her to describe the strategy he or she intends to develop. Are you stuck in the smallest details or focus on the whole?

Once they are done, you present an obstacle – new regulation, a new competitor, a senior executive leaving – and ask them how they want to change strategy to achieve the same goal. Do this a few times and notice how they respond to each new challenge. Agile graduates face new challenges step by step, while those without this ability do not.


People who are natural leaders are valuable at all levels of the organization, from entry level to middle management to senior management. You are proactive, self-directed and focused on growth. You let your colleagues work at the highest level, even in situations of uncertainty.

When companies make technology-driven changes, whether it’s a complete digital transformation, the introduction of new business software, or the addition of new digital opportunities, you need people committed to it.

How to identify leadership

Ask your candidate about his goals. Ask them to talk about their dreams. Do you have a plan to get there? Do they have the strength to succeed in such a role? If not, what do you do to get it? People with strong leadership have the answers to all of these questions.



When technology comes into all areas of work, new skills for employees are essential.

On the other hand, employees need a high level of digital skills. How much software they communicate on a daily basis requires this.

In addition to technical knowledge, employees must have the qualities to succeed in the midst of uncertainty. You need thinking and creativity to unleash new ways of thinking. You need the courage and flexibility to embrace change.

The lack of necessary skills of employees keeps CEOs moving at night

According to PwC’s latest global CEO survey, the most important thing, according to CEOs, is to foster innovation, improve human capital and expand digital skills to take advantage of new opportunities.

But leaders are worried they won’t find the right ability.

According to the survey, 77% of business leaders mentioned that key skills of employees were not available as the biggest threat to companies.

This shortage of talent, combined with the increasing speed of technological change, is challenging companies to innovate. It is the job of HR managers and hiring managers to fill the gap.

What does an ideal employee look like?

Technical, role-specific skills are always important. But today, the ideal employee has a set of skills and attributes that transcend job titles or value. The following employee skills are important for building a successful business in the digital age.


In the digital age, people often equate the introduction of new digital tools with innovation. But it’s not just buying new software that makes a company innovative. It is the creative use of digital tools to achieve something new.

As new technologies, challenges, and opportunities arise, you need people who can think differently. You need new ideas for old problems. Creativity is a valued skill in any business – from developing business strategies to unlocking new efficiency gains.

How to identify creativity

In the face of the question, creative people are looking for many possible answers, not just one. You’ll see unique opportunities where others will grab a functional attachment.

One way to measure creativity is to see how the candidate thinks. How many answers can you get to these questions: How would the world be different if people had two thumbs in each hand? What is something (or an idea for something) you’ve come up with?

What are education and development?

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Training and development refers to an in-house training activity designed to improve the knowledge and skills of employees while providing information and guidance to better perform certain tasks.

Definition of education and development

Training and development refers to an in-house training activity designed to improve the knowledge and skills of employees while providing information and guidance to better perform certain tasks.

The difference between education and development

Training is a short-term reactive process designed for employees and processes, while development is constantly proactive for managers. Employee training is about developing additional skills and developing the whole personality in development.

During the training, management will take the initiative to meet the current need for fans. During development, the individual takes the initiative to meet the future needs of the fan staff.

Advantages and disadvantages of education and development


1. Helps employees develop new skills and expand their knowledge.

2. Improve the efficiency and productivity of individuals and teams.

3. Create more and better jobs.

4. Keeps employees motivated and raises pay levels.


1. It is a relatively expensive process.

2. There is a risk that the employee will leave the job after training and development.

When technology comes into all areas of work, new skills for employees are essential.

On the other hand, employees need a high level of digital skills. How much software they communicate on a daily basis requires this.

In addition to technical knowledge, employees must have the qualities to succeed in the midst of uncertainty. You need thinking and creativity to unleash new ways of thinking. You need the courage and flexibility to embrace change.

Identifying gaps in the knowledge and skills of employees

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A modern employee is not an easy task. Many people fear that automatic technology will replace human labor, and for some this is an (ugly) reality. In addition, the definition of an “average” work becomes obsolete. Dynamic and constant change in the labor market is forcing employees to constantly improve their skills.

More than a decade ago, Marc Pensky introduced the concept of the digital immigrant to describe the work environment – which means that modern workers are always left behind and trying to succeed in entrepreneurship.

Why it is important to identify areas for improvement

If they want to succeed, companies need to invest in their people by giving them the opportunity to improve themselves. You can not only recoup this investment in the long run, but also keep your employees committed and motivated, which is crucial to improving employee retention. Studies have shown that 94% of employees would stay in the company longer if they invested in their careers, but the main reason employees are reluctant to learn is time.

If that’s not enough reason for you, remember that employee performance is reflected in the end result. Identification of differences in the skills and qualifications of staff There are some general tips for those who want to know and identify skills gaps and become an excellent business owner.

Tip # 1 – Check out your company’s KPIs

While well-rounded employees may feel comfortable, the fact is that every company values ​​some skills more than others.

Therefore, identifying business needs should be the first step in identifying gaps in employees ’knowledge and skills.

But before companies strive to improve the skills of their employees, they need to make sure they understand their long-term goals. This allows them to determine what skills employees need to improve to support business growth.

Tip # 2 – Know how your employees spend their work time

People usually don’t have a clear idea of ​​how to spend time at work before they decide to pay attention. The popularity of employee time tracking software has grown in recent years, giving companies a real idea of ​​how mployees spend time at work. In addition, time tracking software helped companies increase productivity and work less by achieving more.

Time tracking alone can help determine how much time employees spend on different tasks. In this way, organizations can not only identify the most time-consuming tasks, but also see if it takes a long time for certain employees to perform tasks that should not be time-consuming.

This allows managers to know that these employees may not have certain knowledge or skills needed to complete these tasks in a timely manner.

Tip 3 – Encourage feedback from employees

Companies should not underestimate the power of correct feedback. Regular meetings where employees and managers can share their thoughts and insights related to work help them not only achieve their business goals but also work on employee engagement, motivation and retention.

Personal feedback can produce incredible results and be a driving force for a company’s success. In the context of this article, these meetings can be a great way to find out if some employees are struggling with certain tasks and to discuss what training you can use to solve their problems. In addition to regular feedback, conducting 360-degree assessments is a great way to improve employee skills and gaps.

This type of feedback is based on what the company’s customers, managers, and employees can say about specific company processes. The purpose of the 360-degree exam is to provide an integrated view of employee performance at the collective level. Other ways to gather feedback from employees include organizing group workshops and discussions where Mit

New approaches and proven methods for developing soft skills

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What if we say that soft skills (or human skills) are more important than hard skills? Due to a tough competitive labor market and new technological innovations, the demand for hard skills is so high that soft skills are discarded and underestimated.

Today, personal qualities are becoming increasingly important as companies recognize their value and how they affect business performance. Successful negotiations, building effective teamwork, and managing conflict situations help Teams develop and companies succeed.

Currently, in the midst of a pandemic crisis and ongoing telecommuting, soft skills are essential to ensure productive collaboration, smooth communication and excellent self-management. But the question is: how can soft skills be most effectively developed?

We’ve been in your shoes and we know how scary it can be to choose the most appropriate strategy for developing soft skills. In this blog post, we share new approaches and traditional methods for training employees and developing professionals with strong socio-emotional skills.

Virtual reality immerses employees in real-life situations

VR training is one of the most popular ways to develop soft skills today and matures every year. Using such skills with VR allows people to experience a strong immersion in a realistic and unique environment that cannot be created with traditional strategies.

The main idea of ​​VR training is to give employees the opportunity to practice in real situations without fear of mistakes and without drawing conclusions. But at the same time analyze the results of different approaches and work on their mistakes. So how can VR be effective in training employees in soft skills? These are the main benefits:

A safe learning environment. When employees feel safe in training, they are open to experimentation and not afraid. In addition, after VR training, people are 275% more confident in applying their knowledge in real life. Better concentration. It should be noted that VR-trained employees focus 1.5 times more on their job than their colleagues who walk other paths. Because students use VR headsets, they are fully involved in the virtual landscape and are not disturbed by external factors.

Convenient monitoring of sea ores. Using VR approaches to collecting behavioral data, you can measure your return on investment and track the progress of each employee’s soft skills. This technology helps companies identify skills shortages from employees and find the most appropriate ways to maintain and improve them. Faster training. Virtual reality training can save time by improving soft skills. VR students study four times faster than their classmates. Lower costs. Using VR training in a company can lower the cost of developing soft skills in the long run. You place VR headsets once and use them for different employees. VR training can be divided into different categories that meet specific training requirements:

Blended learning focuses on different requirements for soft skills

In the development of soft skills in companies, blended learning is considered to be one of the most practical methods with impressive results. In short, it is a balanced combination of self-practice, on-site and web-based training. The following is a detailed list of elements of blended learning:

Final thoughts

In the world of working conditions and roles, soft skills are one of the few constants. They are more critical than ever today because companies need to remain productive and competitive. Respectful relationships, effective communication, creativity, and social resilience are key to a successful and professional organization. And all of the above can be achieved with the right techniques to develop soft skills.

This article discusses the development of best practices, which we find others most useful. Our team is convinced that hard and soft skills need to be developed at an equally high level. Therefore, we recommend integrating employee competency training into the professional development plans of your team members to improve inclusion, adaptability, and creative thinking.

Symbols and Gods: the Mixture of Our Different Cultures

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If you are an avid fan of history, you will notice that certain symbols have been used and reused throughout history. Today, Faculti Media takes you through the concept of mixed symbols in history. There are many reasons why cultural symbols and symbols of faith have found their way to different parts of the world.

Here are some reasons:

Transient Communities

Humans have always carried the symbols of their faith with them no matter where they went. It was a well-know fact that early human societies used to carve their holy symbols into surfaces.

However, as most early societies were transient and migratory, this meant that they had to start anew with their representation—their carvings had to be remade. Eventually, we developed the technology to carve statuettes in order to have mobile representation of the symbols of our faith.

If you are wondering what had ever happened to old symbols that were carved into walls and fixed objects, they are still there. However, as time went by, different societies and different cultures eventually settled in the places where other cultures once dwell.

As communities eventually stopped being primarily transient and started laying down better fortifications for prolonged stay, it was only natural that the old symbols would still be in place while better technology evolved in order to make non-static symbols of faith and belief.

Wars and Political Shifts

There were also instances wherein other cultures conquered others and the symbols of faith were adapted and utilized.

This is why sometimes different cultural symbols are found in the oddest locations. The symbols of faith and representation of power vary with time and depend on who is presently in power. One of the best examples of this in history is the Holy Kingdom of Jerusalem. It was once dominated by Muslims then a contingent of Catholics conquered the city. Mosques were torn down and were replaced with Christian symbolism.

However, if you know where to look, you will still find symbols of the signs of Muslim faith. There was a shaky peace that was kept between the Christians and the Muslims yet a reckoning was to be expected.  Eventually the Muslims took back the Holy Kingdom of Jerusalem. The symbols of the Christian faith were removed—at least they tried to.

When they could not fully remove all the symbols, they just tried to build over them. With the eventual reopening of borders and the imminent influx of people with their own different cultural beliefs, it was once again the norm to have different symbols of faith intermixing with each other.

You have to remember that building structures back then were not as easy as we do it today. As such, it was often easier to keep religious buildings intact. Instead of razing it to the ground, the conquerors merely built over old religious markings. As time went on, the newer symbols of faith eroded and the signs of older symbols were discovered.

The Concept of Syncretism and Eclecticism

This refers to the combination of many different beliefs and the blending of religious practices. If you study Greek and Roman mythology, you will eventually come across stark similarities between them. This is because the two cultures were so near each other and one came before the other. It was inevitable that there would be the porting of some beliefs which were changed to suit political needs.

The concept of eclecticism was also quite rampant. This referred to the use of arts and cultural practices that transcended one culture and utilized into another. While there might have been changes that occurred, it is quite clear where the source is from.

Why is it Important to Understand the Mixing of Religious and Cultural Symbols?

Like in all things, it is important to consider the source. Studying history has always been a good way to determine how far we have come as a society. What things have changed? What things remained the same? Why are certain cultural symbols almost similar but completely different in their meaning and context?

Some examples of this would be the Trident of Neptune. For all intents and purposes, Neptune’s trident is supposed to be the symbol of his power over the sea and whoever is in his domain. However, in later Christian symbolism, the devil is often associated with a pitchfork. The pitchfork is very much the image of the trident of Neptune.

Instead of conveying the concept of power and wisdom, it is now twisted into the symbol of evil. The reason behind these events and the questions listed above can be answered if we actively try to understand the mixing of religious and cultural symbols. To what end are the symbols utilized? What message are they meant to convey?

What is wonderful about humans and our history is the fact that the meaning of one thing today can be completely different a few years from now. Human culture and history is constantly fluid and nothing is exempt from this. We need to be able to keep track of the changing symbols and their contextual origin and shifts.

This will help to establish cultural identity for many. Understanding the past and our collective journey shall help us unlock our relationships better. They will also serve as very grim reminders of mistakes that have already happened. To be honest, it does not matter whose religion came first. Everyone has a right to religion. What we all have to keep in mind regarding looking to the past is how cultures were made. How were the old cultures destroyed? What have we lost as the same species?

These are the questions that studying the intermixing of religious and cultural symbols can help to address. We would like to suggest that you take a trip to your local library or museum and see for yourself what intermingling of religious and cultural symbols can be found there. Everyone’s local area is rife with their own history and enrichment of one’s cultural identity.

Foreign Language Learning: Do’s and Don’ts

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Learning a new language is always an exciting moment for anyone. Today, Faculti Media discussing some pretty important dos and don’ts when it comes to learning or teaching a foreign language. It is not everyday that you or your students get to embark on a journey toward learning a different language. It can be difficult at times but it is completely possible.

As an educator, it would be important to establish a positive learning environment. This will help facilitate better learning and absorption of the lessons. As a learner, there are some things that you need to keep in mind about the whole process. Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to learning a new language:

Do: Pick the Language Beforehand

There is a lot of issue with learners who know they want to learn a new language but have not narrowed it down. There are a lot of languages out there with their own rules and syntax. In order to make the experience positive, it would be prudent to select a language of a country that you have an organic interest in.

Let your curiosity and love for a particular country drive your motivation when it comes to learning the language. Suitably identifying the language you want to study will help your mind become attuned to the little nuances of that particular language or dialect.

Don’t: Be Unrealistic About Your Progress

Learning a new language can take quite a bit of time and effort. There are a lot of learners out there that set out to be masters of a new language within a few months. This is completely unrealistic and can end up being detrimental to your progress as a student.

Instead of stressing over your progress, it would be good to just go with the flow of the lecture. While having a goal is good, it would be counterproductive for you to set an unrealistic goal. Give it a few sessions before you determine how long it would take for you to be proficient in the language that you are studying.

Do: Keep Track of Your Weaknesses

If there are certain things in the dialect that you find difficulty with, it would be important to keep track of it. That way, you will be able to provide specific attention to addressing a particular chink in your verbal armor—so to speak.

Keeping track of your weaknesses is not meant to dissuade you in any way. In fact, having a clear understanding of the areas that you need to improve upon can help your educator as well. If you approach your educator with a clear list of things you need help with, they will be able to direct their attention to those areas.

In so doing, you set yourself up for success rather than failure.

Don’t: Let Fear Overrule You

Learning a new language can be pretty intimidating—that much is true. However, you should not let fear permeate throughout the whole experience of learning the language. When you let fear in and take over, you will rob yourself of a pretty good opportunity and insight into another culture.

Yes, it can be difficult and wholly frustrating at times but do not let your fear of making a mistake or not succeeding take this opportunity away from you. Instead, take small breaks. Refresh your mind and start again.

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Do: Have Fun and Practice

The nice thing about learning a new language is that you will need to apply it in order to sink in. It is not something that you can only learn in theory. It is something that will need to be used in order to truly understand the nuances and different expressions.

Practicing is part of the fun. Pair up with other members in your class. Make it a point to run a dialogue of the language that you are learning together. Be constructive in your criticism and ask for the same. The sooner you become comfortable with using the language, the sooner you can master it.

Don’t: Ignore Media as a Source of Learning

If you attend an actual language class, you will learn early on that multimedia will be your friend. There will be tapes and even podcasts that are fully dedicated to teaching languages. Movies will be your best friend.

Movies have a way of teaching the little nuances of the conversational dynamics of different languages. Learners get to see how certain words are given life and taken beyond context. It is one thing to read about how a word is used and an entirely different thing when it is actually used in a conversation and in a social setting. You can learn the little cues that go into speaking a particular language.

Do: Prepare for a Lifetime of Learning

The beauty about language is that no matter how long you have been trying to learn it, you will still end up learning something new. New words, new idioms, new ways to say old things—you name it, language will have it.

The wonderful thing about language is that it is in a constant state of evolution. You can be proficient at a particular language and find that there are new words that you will add to your vocabulary. The same is true for any secondary language that you try to learn. Learning a language is a never ending process and that’s a great thing for anyone who always wants to continually better themselves.


As you can see, it does not take much to establish a positive learning environment for a new language. Learning a new language is always a great endeavor which comes with massive benefits. Not only do you arm yourself with comprehension when you finally visit the country origin of the language you are studying but you also get a clear look into the culture of origin country.

 With this, it is time to review your own classroom or learning environment. What ways can you further improve upon to reflect a wholly positive learning experience?

It’s All about Respect: Teaching Islamic Students Successfully

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In the field of education, there are many factors that need to be considered in order to achieve a positive learning experience. Today, Faculti Media discusses how to teach Islamic learners successfully. Islam is one of the oldest religions in our history. It is believed that it started around the 7th century and has a massive following around the world.

As such, it is completely natural to find followers of the Islamic faith in a classroom setting. If you are an educator, it would be important to be aware of the ways that you may unintentionally offend or insult them. This is something that should be done for all students and not just Islamic learners. However, as Islam has stricter rules regarding decorum and other occurrences, extra attention must be paid.

Every religion has its own rules, holidays, and guidelines. The only difference is that Islam tends to truly enforce their restrictions while other religions do not. If you happen to have Muslim students in your class, it would be good to take that as an opportunity for growth. It is also a good way to show your learners how a respectful environment can only lead to positive experiences.

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Here are a few reminders:

Avoid mixing genders in a single group

In the Islamic faith, certain followers may be more conservative than others. This is something that is true for all faiths, actually. When you have those who practice Islam in your classroom, it would be good to avoid mixing them in a single group for exercises or assignments.

While it is normal for them to be able to interact, that does not mean that putting them in a single group would be just as fine. Islam is a religion wherein for some gender separation is often required and enforced.

If you are uncertain how to approach the issue, give your class the opportunity to form their own groups. This will provide you a great idea on the group dynamics of your class and it will also provide you an idea on whether or not the Muslim learners in your class prefer to mingle or not. You will be able to use that for future activities and such.

Be mindful of special holidays

Ramadan is one of the biggest religious seasons for those in the Muslim community. Normally, those who practice the Muslim faith undergo fasting. When they fast, you can expect learners who are not at all energetic about the lessons or even in their class participation.

While this can be frustrating from an educator’s point of view, it is important to be respectful of their holiday. It would lead to better relationships in your classroom if you understand the reasons about the seemingly lethargic and unenthusiastic participation in your class.

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If you can, keep the lessons simple, do so. If they asked to be excused, that is up to your discretion as educator but keep in mind that fasting is not easy in the least.

Be sincere

There is nothing worse than getting pandered to. It ultimately comes off as fake and can lead to more awkward interactions rather than positive ones. As such, when interacting with the Islamic members of your class, be sincere in your interactions.

Unless you are teaching theology, keep your lectures off it

Yes, there is a lot of negative press about those in the Islam faith. However, this is not indicative of every single one of them. Just like there are good and bad people in any religion, the same applies to Islam. Just because you may not agree on some of their rules or articles of faith, it does not mean that you are entitled to discuss this in the classroom setting.

Keep your discussions on the topic of your lecture. Sociopolitical discussions may have their merits but it is important to be mindful of the people in your class. Just as we are certain that you would not want your faith attacked in the guise of “intellectual discourse”, you should afford the same respect to others.

Avoid any politically charged discussions in your class unless it is in line with your syllabus. If it is in line, be sure to give your student fair warning and assent to progress with the lecture.

Speak out against intolerance in your classroom

It is inevitable that there will be other students who are not as respectful as you are when it comes associating with other cultures. It is important that as an educator, you should be the first line of defense for all of your students.

Do not tolerate any forms and signs of discrimination based on religion in your class. It is important to address any issues as they occur and do not allow them to take root in the class environment. If you want to address the issue privately after class, it would be important to give involved students a verbal notice.

Remember that your learners are your responsibility and every moment is a teachable one and should be taken advantage of.

In Conclusion

Tolerance and respect are always good foundations for good relationships. When you are an educator, it is important that you are a role model for your learners. You must never be the first person to show intolerance or discrimination.

Islam is a religion and must be accorded respect. A classroom should be a place for positive growth and experiences. You can help your student achieve this by being respectful. If you spot any disrespectful actions being done toward anyone in your class, it is important to speak up and do something about it. Remember, when you do not take action at the sight of repression, you are part of the problem.

With that in mind, what ways can you show suitable respect for Muslim students in your class? What proven ways or techniques have you refined through the years? Were there any issues that arose? Share it with us so that we may share it with others!

The History of Life on Earth: Science That Changed the World


The story of humanity has never been clean and simple. Throughout the history of our species, we have endured great tragedies, trials, and tribulations, yet we persist regardless.

Not only have we managed to survive, but we have also managed to influence the world around us in ways our ancestors could have barely dreamed of, with each generation seemingly poised, ready, to climb upon the shoulders of the giants who came before them to spy just one inch more of the unknown.

The discoveries of the human species are without count, with pieces of knowledge once thought lost resurfacing years, decades, sometimes even centuries later to influence the living. From medicines to entertainment the world is at the very start of an amazing journey.

Some discoveries are clear and uncomplicated in their influence, others permeate our lives in often unseen ways, visible only to those with the knowledge to see them.

Here, in this piece, we will explore five of the most vital discoveries that have influenced our life here on the planet.

1. Penicillin

Easily one of the most interesting discoveries in human history is the discovery of effective antibiotics – before anyone even knew what caused illness.

Penicillin, largely held to be the first modern antibiotic, was discovered in the early 1900s by Alexander Fleming.

Historians, however, have discovered that humans as early as those of the Ancient Egyptian civilisation utilised rotten or mouldy bread in the treatment of wounds.

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Healers of the time frequently instructed patients to place rotten bread on open wounds, which seems to have been effective at promoting the healing of said wounds.

Interestingly, Fleming reportedly discovered penicillin by accident as well by inspecting mould which had grown in an accidentally uncovered petri dish.

The area around the mould revealed rings of bacteria-free space, prompting Fleming to investigate further. While his findings spread surprisingly slowly, given their potential for a medical paradigm-shift, by the 1940s, penicillin was in widespread use, turning illnesses that had once been matters of life-and-death into mere inconveniences.

The modern discovery of penicillin lead to continual investigation into the potential for more powerful, effective, and hypoallergenic antibiotics.

Without the seemingly simple accident that inspired Fleming’s research, however, infections might still be as deadly as they once were.

2. Radiation

The name Marie Curie is almost universally recognised, though few people know the details of why. Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel prize and the only woman to date to win two Nobel prizes – one in physics and one in chemistry.

While the effects of radiation had been observed by previous scientists, Marie Curie was the first person to isolate it as a form of energy that is unique to certain materials. She was also the one who gave the strange phenomenon the name we know today, “radioactivity.”

Curie’s discovery threw physics as it had been understood into disarray, seeming to violate rules that had long been held as fact. Radioactivity forced physicists to reanalyze their assumptions about how energy functioned.

From this, thousands of discoveries cascaded, influencing science far beyond the school of physics; Curie’s discovery built the foundation for the future discovery of x-ray technology, the use of radiation therapy in medicine, and the design of spacecraft.

3. Pasteurisation

Louis Pasteur’s research into fermentation started out simple; he and his students wanted to understand what caused the souring of brewed beverages to see if the spoiling of flavour could be prevented.

The discoveries that resulted, however, changed the way humans consume nearly every form of food and drink. In the present day, we hardly think about the safety of the drinks we buy from the store, so reliable have they become.

Previous to the discovery of the pasteurisation process, and the building blocks leading up to that discovery, something as simple as a glass of milk could bring dangerous bacteria into the home, unbeknownst to all who would drink it.

Pasteurisation has applications for the creation of safe dairy products, teas, wines, beers, and more, but, more importantly, the discovery of pasteurisation led to a fundamental change in the way we approach food safety.

The general well-being of people all over the world was changed by the development of a seemingly simple process, and our refrigerators are full of safe, healthy foods that utilise processes that are fundamentally the same as those discovered by Louis Pasteur.

4. Television

The development of television broadcasting fundamentally changed the way most humans on Earth experience the world around them.

While radio broadcasting had connected the world in unprecedented ways, television allowed for the same level of connection and more by letting us see events as they unfold with our own eyes.

Since the advent of television broadcasting, humans across the planet have had a knowledge of world events, diverse cultures, and distant vistas that had never come close to existing previously.

The sheer amount of information taken in through television is hard to fathom; it was the norm for most of human history to be unfamiliar with just about everything outside of your town and nation.

The history of television began with the creation of the facsimile machine by Alexander Bain in the 1840s.

This invention sparked a chain of innovations in imaging technology that ultimately led to the creation of the first recognisable television sets in the 1920s.

The first televised program was a demonstration by John Logie Baird, who captured a feed of a ventriloquism dummy in motion. He was able to advance the technology to be able to capture human faces in video and transmit them via radio signal.

Early versions of the television were very limited in capability; however, they brought something entirely new to humanity. They brought the ability to see something completely remote in live action from the safety and comfort of the indoors.

Modern applications of television technology are innumerable.

From industrial micro-cameras that transmit video of potentially dangerous liquid leaks to high-definition cameras that fit in our pockets and transmit live video via cellular signal, the world has never been so well-equipped to share sights that would have been impossible before the rise of television technology.

5. PrEP

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is one of the most quietly important recent achievements in the world of medicine, being groundbreaking in the prevention of a disease that took the lives and caused the suffering of millions.

PrEP is a drug, taken by mouth in pill form, that prevents infection in individuals exposed to Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Since its discovery in 1981, medical professionals have struggled against the spread of HIV.

HIV has come to be known as one of the deadliest pandemics in recent history, and was, in its early days, considered to be a death sentence, as HIV eventually progresses into AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.)

AIDS leaves sufferers with little to no immune response, making even common sicknesses deadly at later stages of the disease. Treatment has evolved significantly, extending the life expectancy of HIV positive people, but there is still no cure for the virus once an individual has been infected.

The lack of a cure, put in context with the stigma around the disease, is why PrEP has proven to be such an incredible development.

For much of HIV’s early history, it was known as GRID, which stood for “gay-related immune deficiency.” The fallacious belief that only gay men could become infected contributed to its spread.

Simultaneously, homophobia, misinformation, and politics contributed heavily to lack of treatment, research, and education on the disease.

The stigma around the disease has been recognised and noted by medical professionals for decades, many of whom had patients who avoided testing or treatment that could have greatly improved their health.

PrEP represents a discreet pathway to prevention which does not involve individuals coming under the excessive scrutiny and social stigmatisation that was once, unfortunately, the norm.

With PrEP becoming more widely available, it represents the current best shot at ceasing the spread of the disease entirely, having been shown by some studies to reduce the chance of infection after exposure by 86%.

Because of PrEP’s efficacy, it has become a rallying point for further education on prevention, management, and treatment of HIV/AIDS as a whole.

Many clinics, pharmacies, and hospitals now offer access to the medication in complete privacy, allowing at-risk individuals to prevent infection and become more educated on their health at the same time.

As time goes on, PrEP may help lead to the eradication of the disease, which is spread almost exclusively through person-to-person exposure.