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Identifying gaps in the knowledge and skills of employees

A modern employee is not an easy task. Many people fear that automatic technology will replace human labor, and for some this is an (ugly) reality. In addition, the definition of an “average” work becomes obsolete. Dynamic and constant change in the labor market is forcing employees to constantly improve their skills.

More than a decade ago, Marc Pensky introduced the concept of the digital immigrant to describe the work environment – which means that modern workers are always left behind and trying to succeed in entrepreneurship.

Why it is important to identify areas for improvement

If they want to succeed, companies need to invest in their people by giving them the opportunity to improve themselves. You can not only recoup this investment in the long run, but also keep your employees committed and motivated, which is crucial to improving employee retention. Studies have shown that 94% of employees would stay in the company longer if they invested in their careers, but the main reason employees are reluctant to learn is time.

If that’s not enough reason for you, remember that employee performance is reflected in the end result. Identification of differences in the skills and qualifications of staff There are some general tips for those who want to know and identify skills gaps and become an excellent business owner.

Tip # 1 – Check out your company’s KPIs

While well-rounded employees may feel comfortable, the fact is that every company values ​​some skills more than others.

Therefore, identifying business needs should be the first step in identifying gaps in employees ’knowledge and skills.

But before companies strive to improve the skills of their employees, they need to make sure they understand their long-term goals. This allows them to determine what skills employees need to improve to support business growth.

Tip # 2 – Know how your employees spend their work time

People usually don’t have a clear idea of ​​how to spend time at work before they decide to pay attention. The popularity of employee time tracking software has grown in recent years, giving companies a real idea of ​​how mployees spend time at work. In addition, time tracking software helped companies increase productivity and work less by achieving more.

Time tracking alone can help determine how much time employees spend on different tasks. In this way, organizations can not only identify the most time-consuming tasks, but also see if it takes a long time for certain employees to perform tasks that should not be time-consuming.

This allows managers to know that these employees may not have certain knowledge or skills needed to complete these tasks in a timely manner.

Tip 3 – Encourage feedback from employees

Companies should not underestimate the power of correct feedback. Regular meetings where employees and managers can share their thoughts and insights related to work help them not only achieve their business goals but also work on employee engagement, motivation and retention.

Personal feedback can produce incredible results and be a driving force for a company’s success. In the context of this article, these meetings can be a great way to find out if some employees are struggling with certain tasks and to discuss what training you can use to solve their problems. In addition to regular feedback, conducting 360-degree assessments is a great way to improve employee skills and gaps.

This type of feedback is based on what the company’s customers, managers, and employees can say about specific company processes. The purpose of the 360-degree exam is to provide an integrated view of employee performance at the collective level. Other ways to gather feedback from employees include organizing group workshops and discussions where Mit